
JAMES BARTHOLET’s Busy, Wicked, And Productive Porn Life

May 26, 2010

James Bartholet has been a really busy man. Between filming, hosting a weekly radio program, and running a publicity company, Bartholet proves that you can do it, if you really put your mind to it.

Bartholet can be seen as the recurring character of the film professor, on the Cinemax series Co-Ed Confidential Season 4 starting June 4th.

Bartholet will be signing with a bevy of beauties from Galaxy Publicity, at the upcoming XFANZ Expo in June at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas, June 10th and 11th.

Bartholet also has completed several films, and has several productions coming to stores soon. Some of his latest releases include: Anton Slayer’s Ain’t the Dukes Of Hazzard XXX; his tribute to Taxi from Vouyer Media; the multi award wining magnet Not Airplane XXX: Flight Attendants; Not Charlie’s Angels XXX, Not Married With Children 2 XXX and Not MASH XXX from X-Play; Adam & Eve’s timely A-Team: A XXX Parody; Hustler’s highly anticipated This Ain’t Glee XXX; This Ain’t Cops XXX; The Vow; 30 Love; and the award winning 2040 from Wicked.

And finally, Will Ryder masterfully manipulated, multiple sitcom universes like God or J.J. Abrams in his latest project Not the Bradys XXX: Bradys meet the Partridge Family out May 25th, from X-Play.

“James is our number one ‘go-to’ guy when we need a great comedic actor in our parodies,” says director Ryder. “He always brings something special and clever to the roles he portrays.”

“James can play any character and we love to have him in our movies,” said Axel Braun.

“I love working in porn, where else can you go to work everyday and be surrounded by naked women, and get paid for it,” laughed Bartholet. “Seriously, this is a great industry, love the people, love the work, and with the parodies being so popular now, there’s an abundance of work for a good character actor.”

Bartholet will also start filming a huge horror/comedy project for Dick Chibbles this week, marking another first for Bartholet in his adult film career. Bartholet also begins filming Not Charlie’s Angels XXX for X Play/LFP next week, playing role of Bosley.

“I’m not letting the cat out of the bag yet, but we’ll announce it in June, after we wrap,” stated Bartholet.

Bartholet also hosts the weekly Inside the Industry radio program with Emy Reyes, heard Wednesday nights from 8 to 9 p.m. Pacific Time, and rebroadcast daily on LA Talk Radio www.latalkradio.com and www.insidetheindustry.net. The program is already a very popular Internet radio show with members of the adult film industry and fans alike.

Bartholet also teaches an acting workshop every month. The workshop covers scene study and improv, and considering Bartholet has years of comedy background and experience, including a long running stint on stage at The Comedy Store doing sketch comedy.

James Bartholet is represented by A List Talent www.alisttalent.com.

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